
巫师和白巫师在霍比屯如鱼得水! The Wizard and the White Wizard making themselves at home in Hobbiton!
Nothing is smoother than some fresh, still, cold mountain air and pipe tobacco!
在新西兰抽精灵烟斗!Smoking a Wizard Pipe in New Zealand.
“大多数情况下,我都知道我是肮脏的高达豪达粘土;但当 Mad L 想要真正的烟时,我会伸手去拿 MacQueen 烟斗!”
Mostly I be known fer me dirty clay Gouda; but when Mad L wants a real smoke, I reach for a MacQueen pipe!
在得克萨斯文艺复兴节上抽着矮人烟斗,打扮成圣诞礼物的幽灵。Smoking a Dwarf pipe, dressed as The Ghost of Christmas Present, at the Texas Renaissance Festival.
Thorne Pipe being smoked in the major motion picture Your Highness!
使用 Ranger Pipe 在湖上欣赏日落。
Enjoying a sunset on the lake with a Ranger Pipe!
Horseback in Hawaii with a Fable Pipe.
洪都拉斯海边的巫师烟斗。Seaside in Honduras with a Wizard pipe.
“我发现我优秀的教堂管理员极大地促进了我的内省时间……”I have found my fine churchwarden to be a great enhancer of my introspective time...
After a day in the woods, nothing is as relaxing as smoking my white wizard pipe
Hi from Norwegian fjords!
在我的新 Oakenshield 烟斗中享受我的第一支烟!
Enjoying my first smoke in my new Oakenshield Pipe!
A great shot sent in from a customer in Mexico.
我们在 Harvard Lampoon 杂志上的整版广告!

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